Elevate Wellbeing with Interactive Mental programs For Teams

Improve mental and social wellbeing at work with programs; Mind-body Integration Techniques

what we offer…

Cosmic Rose engages organizations through live virtual classes, on demand content, and team-building tools to increase happiness and resilience for teams & workplace.

Mind-Body Integration Techniques

  1. Breath-work: clears & calm the mind + balance the body

  2. Yoga: movement & flow, improves flexibility, inner strength, and balance.

  3. Meditation: improves mood, reduce stress, and anxiety.

  4. Visualization/Journaling: calms the mind, gain self-confidence, find inspiration, and reduce stress & anxiety

  5. Mindfulness: improve quality of life, reduce mental health symptoms, and promotes relaxation.

Our Services

  • Wellness events

    Connect as a team and build a mental health toolkit with interactive classes like our Intention Setting Workshop or our Gratitude Workshop. *Events can also be customized.

    98% of employees that participate in events find the classes helpful and 80% gain valuable tools for work.

  • Team-building programs

    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales. Support mental and social wellbeing with an ongoing, custom program for your team with a dedicated mindfulness expert.

    90% of employees reported a decrease in feelings of anxiety after completing a Cosmic Rose program and 70% report a better state of wellbeing at work.

  • Tools

    Prioritize mental health through wellness with tools like the Cosmic Rose Wellbeing Slack Channel, our Wellbeing Challenge, and more.

    90% of employees feel closer to coworkers after utilizing a Cosmic Rose tool at work and stress levels drop by 10%.

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Meet our founder:

Malyvahn lives a life steeped in miracles, where extraordinary is the norm, not the exception. She extends an invitation to dream bigger and discover your unique path to abundance. Her transformative practices, including breath-work, mantras, and mindset work, are infused with her unwavering belief in her own magic, and she's passionate about helping you believe in yours as well

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